Phenomenon Igor Talkova: mystical episodes of life and the mystery singer's death

• The phenomenon of Igor Talkova: mystical episodes of life and the mystery singer's death

November 4 would be fulfilled 60 years of the famous singer and musician Igor talc, but 25 years ago, his life suddenly cut short. Talkova murder was one of the most notorious crimes of the early 1990-ies., And some aspects of his life, many find signs warning of impending death.

Phenomenon Igor Talkova: mystical episodes of life and the mystery singer's death Phenomenon Igor Talkova: mystical episodes of life and the mystery singer's death

Mystical omens accompany Talkova life. Death could overtake him much earlier. In 1969, 13 years Igor with friends playing a dangerous game they pinched each other carotid artery to shut down for a short while, and then tell someone what visions come to this point. Igor then lost consciousness for 20 minutes, and when frightened friends managed to bring him to his senses, he said, he heard a voice telling him: "Your time has not come yet."

Phenomenon Igor Talkova: mystical episodes of life and the mystery singer's death

In the mid-1980s. Talc appeared on television for the first time: first - as the lead singer of "Electroclub", then - as a solo singer. Gradually, he moved from lyrical songs to ostrosotsialnye. At the end of the 1980s. Talc to create the group - "Lifebuoy", and began to sing songs of his own composition. To him came the incredible popularity, he toured a lot. However, at this time, above him the clouds begin to thicken. Brother Vladimir singer recalled: "Song" Russia "was fatal to Igor, he signed her own death warrant. I immediately told him that, and he himself understood. When the song was finally mounted, Igor night dreamed of black hands who tried to strangle him. In general, around the brothers always had a lot of mysticism. He lived with this? I believe in God. "

Phenomenon Igor Talkova: mystical episodes of life and the mystery singer's death

its lyrics were too bold for the time, and the widow of Igor Talkova Tatiana has repeatedly stated that it was inconvenient to the authorities, the authority of which he never acknowledged. Therefore we put forward and the version that the murder was organized by the secret services of the singer, and although this was not confirmed, and today many have expressed similar assumptions. But Talkova popularity in the early 1990s. It was so high that the authorities were extremely disadvantageous to attract the attention of millions of murder idol.

Phenomenon Igor Talkova: mystical episodes of life and the mystery singer's death

Igor talc with family

In 1989, the singer was going to fly to the regular tour, my wife was going through before his departure, and he said something that Tatiana Talkova always remember: "Do not worry, I'm going to die in a different way - a large gathering of people. And the killer did not find. " They say that such a fate he predicted Pavel Globa. Prophetic and became his role in the film "In the last line": the plot of his character died from a shot in the face. The scene was shot October 6, 1990, exactly one year before his death.

Phenomenon Igor Talkova: mystical episodes of life and the mystery singer's death

The musician, who has become a symbol of its time

Phenomenon Igor Talkova: mystical episodes of life and the mystery singer's death

In the beginning of the 1990s. during a tour in Tajikistan singer electric shock. Vladimir talc witnessed the incident: "He was lying unconscious on the floor, he went into convulsions, vomited him into some incredible posture. In his hand remained bass guitar, which we could not tear. By the palm of burned string ... After this story a while Igor was afraid to take the microphone, I asked him to wrap insulation. "

Phenomenon Igor Talkova: mystical episodes of life and the mystery singer's death

Igor talc on stage

Phenomenon Igor Talkova: mystical episodes of life and the mystery singer's death

Igor talc

Phenomenon Igor Talkova: mystical episodes of life and the mystery singer's death

The day before the death of talc during the performance broke a string, which was considered a bad omen for musicians. Before leaving for St. Petersburg for a long time saying goodbye to his wife and son. A October 6 happened that fateful concert. The conflict occurred not between Talc and Aziza, and between their directors - Shlyafmanom and Malakhov. Aziz did not have time to change clothes in front of her going on stage, and Talkova asked to speak to her. The singer did not mind, but Shlyafman began to sort things out and, according to the singer's wife, he provoked a fight with weapons.

Phenomenon Igor Talkova: mystical episodes of life and the mystery singer's death Phenomenon Igor Talkova: mystical episodes of life and the mystery singer's death

Whose shot was turned out to be fatal - or Shlyafmana Malakhov - still argue. Experts are inclined to think that it was an accident, and the singer killed in a brawl a random bullet. Thereafter Shlyafman emigrated to Israel and changed his name. Igor talc died at the age of 34 years. Punishment for his murder - the intentional or unintentional - nobody suffered.

Phenomenon Igor Talkova: mystical episodes of life and the mystery singer's death

The musician, who has become a symbol of its time

Phenomenon Igor Talkova: mystical episodes of life and the mystery singer's death

Tomb Igor Talkova