The mysterious disappearance of ships stories

• Mysterious disappearance stories ships

Despite the fact that the person has learned to look into the depths of space and down to the bottom of the ocean basins, nature constantly throws up puzzles, as if to show that we are still very far from understanding its laws. Even in the age of navigation in the world of technology events occur that do not leave behind traces. The ship can enter the route and simply disappear from the radar and maps. At this point, scientists only need to record these facts, because subsequent searches do not give anything.

The mysterious disappearance of ships stories


This was built in 1832, the ship was nicknamed "the brig Chameleon", as carried on each of the two towers different rig. In 1838, the ship sailed to the research expedition, and even managed to get to Antarctica. Porpoise and then moved to China, where it was missing, only two days' journey from Hong Kong.

The mysterious disappearance of ships stories


The British marque Wasp took part in 13 operations in 1814 and became a real bugbear for all enemies of the Crown. September 22, 1814 sloop boarded a merchant ship, although according to the orders issued had to sink all the enemy ships met. Only a day later, "Wasp" mysteriously disappeared in the middle of a well-known trade routes.

The mysterious disappearance of ships stories

SS Baychimo

Huge cargo ship used by the company for transportation of furs from the northern part of Canada. Winter 1931 started too early and unprepared ship stuck in the ice. Most of the crew were rescued, but the captain and twenty members of the team decided to stay on board and try to wait out bad weather. Most of these people have never been seen, but the boat itself more than once flashed ghostly silhouette, frightening sailors in the Arctic waters.

The mysterious disappearance of ships stories


In 1909, the passenger steamer "Waratah" made regular flight from Durban to Cape Town. According to witnesses, (parallel route moving warship "Gestar") in the steamer at night were strange flashes of light, and then the ship just disappeared. Throughout the century, the search for "Waratah" resumed several times, the last is fruitless attempt was made in 2004.

The mysterious disappearance of ships stories

the USS Cyclops

The Iron Giant "Cyclops" disappeared on the way to Baltimore from Brazil in March 1918. On board the ship was carrying a large supply of manganese - an important product for the production of ammunition. Interestingly, the US Navy did not even bother to look for the missing ship with the necessary cargo for the war, one of the commanders later claimed that the rate went mysterious rumors about some "necessary sacrifices".