Color "Burgundy": the generosity and brightness

Color "Burgundy", "Marsala", amaranth, carmine, "magenta" ... This is not a complete list of shades of similar colors - red or burgundy. Many are afraid of such popular nowadays in cosmetology and fashion terms. It would seem - what the deal is, the more difficult to remember names? The fact that each color has a different saturation, compatibility with others and can drastically change the appearance of one and the same person. Someone suitable cooler shade, someone with a purple tint or close to pink. We consider one of the most trendy colors now - the color "burgundy." Let's understand how to dye hair and to select the appropriate image of them.


Color "Burgundy" - this is some of what feature?

To understand what color is called "burgundy" ( "Bourgogne", Burgundy), it is necessary to introduce color noble vintage wine - intense ruby ​​red. He's a little lighter maroon, and depending on the lighting can take a shade of plum. The name "burgundy" is derived from the region in the east of France, where before our era began to grow grapes purple and made of it a noble wine.

By its symbolic color identified with prosperity, generosity, beauty, youth and wisdom at the same time. People who prefer it, cheerful, sensitive and creative. They are perfectionists and move confidently towards its goal. It is in such color "burgundy" - "MUST hev" in the clothing and accessories of recent seasons. The most daring move on - dyed hair in a fashionable color.


"burgundy" (hair color) - what is it?

Hair dark ruby ​​color - the result sought by lovers of "burgundy." Of course, in conjunction with a natural shade of color can acquire the variation: "mulled wine" with a splash of red-red, "eggplant" with violet notes, "Cabernet" with pink and red motifs and a "chestnut". So that the result does not disappoint, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of dyeing and, most importantly, make sure in advance that the shade is suitable for tsvetotipu.

The fact that Burgundy fit girl with a cold type of appearance. This "summer" and "winter". Summer is characterized by type of unsaturated hair shades (light without reddishnesses, ash-Light Brown), eyes gray, blue-gray, gray-green color. The skin of these girls is light and delicate - cold olive or pink with a bluish tint. Feature - the lack of tendency to redness of the face and red and copper shades in her hair. For example, a representative of this type are Jennifer Aniston and Sarah Jessica Parker.

Winter tsvetotip intense cold. Hair black or dark brown in color with muted ashen tint. Skin or very light, without blush or cold olive color. The eyes are dark brown, green, gray or dark blue. Present winter tsvetotip possible for example Monica Bellucci and Jolie.

It was a girl with such external data suitable color "burgundy" hair (and not only). It is perfectly set off the light skin, it will give the appearance of lacking brightness. Limitation is still there, even in this case - the rash and redness on the skin. Burgundy is able to further emphasize them.

Terms of staining in the "burgundy"

Color "Burgundy" (photos before and after below) - this is an option, which is still more suitable brown-haired. It is easier to achieve the desired result, without bringing great stress hair.


Choosing the right shade of colors is large enough, "a dark burgundy" and "deep burgundy" from "Garnier", "burgundy classic" and brown from "Revlon", "chocolate cherry" from "Loreal" and others. About the original and the expected colors should consult with a stylist - they may be different.

Blonde on the nature of the girls do not rush to use resistant paint the desired color - "Burgundy" may be too bright and unnatural. They can experiment with coloring shampoos and tonics, which are quickly washed away, as well as more natural henna tint that will not too unnatural color.

A striking brunette necessarily immediately repaint the entire length of hair. You can set off the individual strands of hair or the ends of Burgundy, very freshen the hairstyle, add to its volume and accentuate a graded haircut.



What are the colors in the clothes combine "burgundy"?

Color "burgundy" pretty intense, so owners of such hair should be more attentive to the choice of wardrobe. They do not need to wear too bright, flashy things red or crimson. The best choice would be muted shades of blue and green, purple, olive and chocolate. Brown or gray can be a good shade of white. Accent color in the image can be represented by the shoe (the same purple color) or accessory (e.g., bags).

The combination of makeup and hair color "burgundy"

The combination of makeup and hair color is also important. pick the right make-up is quite difficult for the burgundy shade. Too bright colors will look vulgar, and the lack of their number will make the face even more pale. Therefore, adhere better to the basic rule - to emphasize one thing: eyes or lips. Girls with burgundy hair color eye makeup to perform better with the help of shadow shades of gray and black. Lips lipstick to emphasize using natural colors (if this day make-up).

In general, the make-up must match tsvetotipu. Girls with a cold winter or a summer type of appearance is to abandon all shades of red or carrot-red.