How much can lose weight in a week with the help of training

Rapid weight loss

The question of how much you can lose weight in a week, there is, as a rule, in cases where an urgent need to get rid of excess weight before any important event, for example, before the holiday or a party. Most people want to throw a few kilograms to the waist and hips. However, most of them, starting this process, to what eventually comes. The reason for this is the wrong idea about the phenomena occurring in the body. Therefore, to lose weight, you first need to know about, so it happens. Known fact that rapid weight loss is the result of the loss is not adipose tissue, and excess water, as well as muscles.

How much can lose weight in a week with the help of training

How to lose weight fast

The answer to the question on how much you can lose weight in a week, should be based not only on knowledge of the field of medicine, nutrition and physical activity, but it also has to take into account the personal characteristics of the individual. For example, when it comes to bodybuilding-athlete in preparation for a competition, it is the norm for him dumping a body weight of about 1 kg per week. But during hard training and use of the so-called carbohydrate pit he might lose even more. Therefore, answering the question of ordinary people, how to lose weight in a week by 3 kg, it is safe to point out methods of competitive bodybuilding. Training during this period should be sufficient to absorb a lot of calories.

How much can lose weight in a week with the help of training

Proper weight loss

It should be noted that the use pattern of "high-speed" weight relief should be only those who are able to move it safely, because the body at this time is experiencing quite a lot of stress. So, to rapid weight loss for the week it took place, people should be prepared both mentally and physically. Otherwise, instead of a beautiful and taut body can receive the body depletion and background to the development of various diseases - from the common cold to fatty liver. In the first week of training all novices lose a large number of kilograms only if they are properly fed and not less than properly engaged. This usually happens due to a large loss of excess fluid and about 1 kg of fat otolzheny.

How much can lose weight in a week with the help of training


Responding to a question about how much you can lose weight in a week, using diet and exercise room in the novice stage, it should be noted that the load should not exceed the maximum level of losing weight. It can be very weak training, but very effective for such a person. After all sit idle for many years the body very quickly begin to come to order at the slightest stress. However, as the endurance of growth need to increase the intensity and amount of training. Therefore any beginner in fitness will remember forever, as far as you can lose weight in a week, at the very beginning of his training career. As a rule, these figures range from 2-3 to 4-5 kg. The main thing is to comply with the proper nutritional program with a negative balance of calories, based on well-chosen diet.